Psychological Assessment

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Get an Assessment

Here at Vida Artes, we specialize in psychological evaluations for neurodivergent conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Twice Exceptional and Gifted individuals. With over 20 years of experience working with all ages on the spectrum from toddlers to adults, Dr. Ford uses her experiential knowledge and assessment skills to provide individuals and families with meaningful information to inform the most relevant recommendations towards progression in development, school and adult life.

Dr. Ford also has extensive experience working as a school psychologist and understands the IEP process inside and out. Whether your child is just about to start their school journey or finish it, Dr. Ford and her team can help develop the best plan for forward growth through thorough, sensitive and individually tailored psychoeducational assessment.


What to Expect from the Assessment Process

Step 1: Intake Session

An intake session that will last about 90 minutes. This is where we gather all background information, previous evaluations, school history, and reason and goals for the assessment. This session is usually done with parents of minors or the adult who can choose to bring parents.

Step 2: School Observation

Next, if the child being assessed is in school, we will schedule an observation and teacher consultation to be done before meeting the child so as to ensure the most authentic observation possible.

Step 3: Testing Session

Testing Sessions: Depending on the type of assessment needed, the entire process of testing can take between 5 and 10 hours. Each session will be planned according to you or your child's child's needs (endurance, attention span etc.). Morning testing sessions are best to ensure the "freshest" presentation of you or your child's skills and abilities.

Step 4: Professional Consulations

Consultations with other professionals you or your child is or was working with. This may include therapists, tutors and psychiatrists.

Step 5: Assessment

All information and assessment results will then be integrated into a thorough, comprehensive psychological/psychoeducational assessment report with testing results, interpretations, diagnoses, and recommendations.

Step 6: Feedback Session

A 60-90 minute feedback session with either the adult assessed or the child's parents to review the assessment report and go over the recommendations of a plan to move forward. Resources, treatment recommendations and referrals will be provided.

Step 7: Plan Development

A meeting with your child's school is recommended to share results and recommendations and help develop a plan for your child, either through an IEP or Section 504 Plan.

Step 8: Summary

A meeting with your child can be scheduled so that they can be provided with a strength-based summary regarding the assessment results.

We Are Looking Forward to Meeting You

Get in contact with our team today to schedule a consultation where we can help develop a plan to best support your needs.

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